350-352 Gilmour Street E Ottawa, Ontario K2P 0R3

13 卧室 11 浴室
Hot Water Radiator Heat


350-352 Gilmour Street and 453 Lewis Street is a three-storey apartment building in the Heritage Conservation Disrict. 352 Gilmour Street and 453 Lewis each have separate stairways that provide access to units in their respective buildings. 350 Gilmour Street is accessed directly from the ground level. 352 Gilmour contains five units:(three), two bedroom units and (two), one bedroom units. 453 Lewis Street contains(three), one bedroom units. 350 Gilmour Street contains a single unit comprised of two bedrooms plus dining and family room with 2.5 bathrooms. This unit also has access to a large private deck area at the rear abutting Lewis Street. All units have access to laundy which is located in the basement of 453 Lewis Street. Each unit at 352 Gilmour have balconies updated 2005. All units at 352 Gilmour and 453 Lewis have a storage locker available. New windows (2023); stacks replaced; roofing (2021); boiler and hot water heater (2019). Many upgrades to units over the years to this beautiful brick building, pride of ownership. Some interior pictures are when units were renovated and vacant. (id:44758)


MLS® Number X11982437
房源类型 Multi-family
社区名字 4103 - Ottawa Centre
总车位 5

详 情

浴室 11
地上卧房 13
总卧房 13
赠送家电包括 Water Heater, 冰箱, 炉子
地下室进展 部分完成
地下室类型 N/a (partially Finished)
外墙 砖, 乙烯基壁板
客人卫生间(不包含洗浴) 1
供暖方式 天然气
供暖类型 Hot Water Radiator Heat
储存空间 3
类型 Other
设备间 市政供水


污水道 Sanitary Sewer
土地深度 99 Ft ,10 In
土地宽度 63 Ft
不规则大小 63.04 X 99.89 Ft
规划描述 R4ud - 住宅 Fourth Density Zone
