238 Alfred Street Alfred & Plantagenet, Ontario K0B 1L0

8000 sqft
Partially Air Conditioned 地暖


Great investment opportunity. Fully occupied 9 unit building located in Plantagenet. Abundance of parking and storage on a large lot. Room for additions, tenant incentives, income generating. Charming front deck with garden, quaint but spacious feature units. There is a lot of room for tweaking and increased income. All units are separately metered, but some are still on the landlords gross leases. Coin operated laundry on site. Parking is currently free, no charge for storage. Upgrades: Boiler system ($12k), replaced in 2024, Hot water tank ($6k) replaced in 2024, Front porch 2023, Fire inspection 2020, Phase 1 environmental assessment 2020, ESA certificate 2020, Fire safety inspection 2020, Confirmation of Zoning compliance 2019 (id:44758)


商业类型 Residential
商业子类型 Apartments


MLS® Number X11885817
房源类型 Multi-family
社区名字 608 - Plantagenet
总车位 20

详 情

赠送家电包括 烘干机, 洗衣机
空调 Partially Air Conditioned
供暖类型 地暖
Size Exterior 8000 Sqft
内部尺寸 8000 Sqft
类型 Multi-family
设备间 市政供水


土地深度 229 Ft ,2 In
土地宽度 39 Ft ,8 In
不规则大小 Bldg=39.72 X 229.21 Ft
规划描述 R3-24
