103 Pigeon Street Clarence-Rockland, Ontario K4K 1J8



17.8 acres land bordering the shoreline of the Ottawa River and of HWY 174. It has a zoning of R1, with potential for development. It's present designation is ""Low Density Residential"" and it's permitted uses are: 1) Low density development for single detached, semi-detached, duplex buildings group & retirement homes. 2) Small scale commercial, park school & community facilities serving local residential area. 3) Medium density permitting low rise apartment buildings & townhomes. 24 Hours irrevocable on all offers. (id:44758)


MLS® Number X9515859
房源类型 Vacant Land
临近地区 Rockland Waterfront
社区名字 606 - Town of Rockland

详 情


入口类型 Highway Access, Year-round Access
土地深度 999 Ft
土地宽度 855 Ft
不规则大小 855 X 999 Ft ; 1
规划描述 R1, R1-fp, R1-h-fp
