201 Metcalfe Street Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1P6

Hot Water Radiator Heat


Totally renovated 34 unit building in the downtown core. All the major things have been done to this building. Will not need much upkeep for many years to come. Great mix of units. The garage has been renovated to accommodate 16 storage lockers and 1 parking spot. This would be a great addition to your rental portfolio. (id:44758)


商业类型 Residential
商业子类型 Apartments


MLS® Number X9518379
房源类型 Multi-family
临近地区 Centretown
社区名字 4102 - Ottawa Centre
总车位 4

详 情

供暖方式 天然气
供暖类型 Hot Water Radiator Heat
类型 Multi-family
设备间 市政供水


土地深度 112 Ft ,6 In
土地宽度 66 Ft ,6 In
不规则大小 Unit=66.57 X 112.5 Ft ; 0
规划描述 R4ud [479]
