218 - 2310 St Laurent Boulevard Ottawa, Ontario K1G 5H9

22500 sqft


AMAZING OPPORTUNITY for a Saavy investor or to purchase this SERVICE BASED business outright. UNLIMITED POTENTIAL\r\nMore than 11 years building the brand and the business. 1m citizens in Ottawa district alone (Still have Gatineau and other\r\nsurrounding areas also) Take control of inflation with your own revenue stream in an industry that is thriving. This industry\r\nwill continue to thrive even during a recession as people will be even more inclined to repair, rather than replace their\r\nexpensive devices. Work in a space and business designed specifically with repair depot in mind. Blazing fast internet, future\r\nproof Cat6 Infrastructure, in a new building. UNLIMITED POTENTIAL, Already partnered and working with Industry leaders,\r\nplus corporate/institutional service/contracts onsite/mobile business. $450-500k yearly GROSS and climbing (id:44758)


商业类型 Service
商业子类型 Miscellaneous services
Name Bill @ Dave Computer Repair In


MLS® Number X9502189
房源类型 商业物业
临近地区 Ottawa Business Park
社区名字 3807 - St. Laurent Industrial Park
总车位 3

详 情

内部尺寸 22500 Sqft
Utility Power Three Phase
设备间 市政供水


规划描述 Office
