259 Bradley Avenue Ottawa, Ontario K1L 7E8


Build generational wealth by building your own 12 unit multifamily property post committee of adjustment approval. Experienced Planners and Builders have created this unique layout so that the end user can save upwards of $100k+ in development charges, cash-in-lieu fees, and more compared to a traditional purpose built 12-16 unit building while enjoying the same rental income. Other advantages include: no sprinkler system, municipal garbage collection, no accessible units, no common stairway, available on-site parking and more. The property’s efficient design helps minimize maintenance costs and maximizes profitability for future owners. With the new Zoning By-law amendment, there is potential to add an additional 4 units, to a total of 16 units as basement units will be undeveloped. No site plan &/or zoning by-law amendment required. Status: Pending Committee of adjustment approval. (id:44758)


MLS® Number X9519987
房源类型 Vacant Land
临近地区 Vanier
社区名字 3402 - Vanier

详 情

设备间 市政供水


污水道 Sanitary Sewer
土地深度 94 Ft ,8 In
土地宽度 66 Ft
不规则大小 66 X 94.74 Ft ; 0
规划描述 R4ua
